Still Playing with Dolls!


I do believe I am definitely developing a theme in my artwork. Dolls and toys are becoming the focal areas in many of my projects. 


One of my first scans

It all started in 2011, when I was asked to contribute to an October 'Creepy Doll' exhibit in a friend's shop window. At first I thought I would photograph some of my old dolls and Halloween skeletons and see what I came up with. I wasn't very excited with the results and I had a new idea. I laid the dolls on my flat-bed scanner and was quite excited with what came. The scanner made images that were ethereal, spooky, and sometimes quite deliciously frightening! I even put a fake tattoo on a doll (it is still there) and the results are among my favourites.



Self Image 02


For more images see previous posts:

Playing with Dolls - part 1

Playing with Dolls... Again

Deviant Dolls

and on my website KmBennett Art and my Etsy shop

I didn't use the scanned images in the window display. For that, I turned to mixed media and designed a small gas mask and a plague doctor mask (with hat). They both sold, which was very cool. I displayed them on my dolls, which were not (nor ever will be) for sale. I have had them since childhood.

I believe my doll projects have a strong connection to my “Egg Project” (see previous post). To me, eggs and fertility are directly related to birth, childhood, and growing up.

I make frequent trips to local thrift stores and spend a lot of time going through the toys. To be chosen, they have to strike me as being good to use in a project. Of course, the creepier the better! Sometimes I am rummaging through a pile and I find a doll that makes me say, “This is it!”


These dolls were dismantled and sprayed with primer. They will be worked into mixed media boxes and other projects.



Some will be left just the way they are. I found this treasure, a 5” doll head, on my last trip and thought it was perfect for a creepy project. When I got it home I discovered it is made of wax! I researched and cannot find another like it. I did learn about how in Victorian times, many dolls were made of wax because the material was less costly and more durable than porcelain. I hope to find a case or dome to protect her.










There isn't room for all my doll finds in this post, so I can guarantee there will be others. I am having way too much fun to stop now! 


  1. I just had to comment on the fact that the doll head and hand in the 'primer painted' picture look like they are waving at us!That one is cute, but some are definitely creepy!

    1. Yes! I was taking photos of that step and noticed the positions when I loaded them. Liked it. They showed my ugly shower area, so I draped black cloth behind and took better ones. In this instance, I find that the documentation becomes art in itself.

  2. I really love the first "scan"! It is so eerie and interesting! I also love the plague mask!

    1. Thank you! I have hundreds of scans in high resolution. When I get a new creepy doll or weird idea (or both) I start 'playing'.

  3. Very creative Kathryn! And scary as you say. But you have sure you have found your style.

    1. Thank you! I have been hoping that something would develop. Looks like it is and I like it! I hope to incorporate more concept and social awareness into my work.

  4. The important factor is you love what you create. Thats what counts. To me, the creepy is not appealing so was glad to get to your last photo to see pleasant looking dolls.

    1. Thanks! Not all my artwork is on the dark side... visit my website or my Etsy site (links on list at right). KmB


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