The Glass Ball

I always love it when I find something new to incorporate into my artwork and/or photography. A few months ago, I read about glass ball photography in a couple of blog posts on a site Digital PhotographySchool. There are a lot of interesting and helpful tips on posts like How to Create Glass Ball Landscapes and 7 Tips forDoing Crystal Ball Refraction Photography


I was very intrigued and immediately ordered several sizes from Amazon. They have some that are expensive and others that are not. I ordered 40mm, 60mm, and 80mm balls. I also got a set of three 1.5” all of them quite affordable.




I have experimented a few times (and posted the results on my Facebook photo page KmBennett Photography) I love how it gives me a new perspective and view. The results are fun and pleasing.

In today’s post, I present images of the sunset that greeted me as I came home from work. I used the 80mm glass ball. I am in constant awe of nature and I feel truly blessed to live in a place where there are OMG moments every day.



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