A Shaky Perspective

I had an interesting lesson today in perspective. No... not the kind we need when drawing... but the “It is all how you look at it” kind. Maybe a better word would be 'Perception.' Either way, I found it very interesting and eye opening.

Today had been a snowy and rainy day and when I came home from work, it was quite dark. I was struck by the beauty of a plant that was covered in ice and reflecting light from a nearby flood lamp. So... of course I had to photograph it!












I tried my best to hold the camera still. I even used a tripod. I tried different cameras, using both my Canon Rebel t5 and the Sony Cybershot. I was hoping for an image that showed the icy plant as clear as possible.

With my hands hurting from arthritis (aggravated by the cold) it is sometimes difficult to hold the camera steady. When photographing wildlife I use a monopod (my tripod is designed so one leg can be removed) which helps quite a bit.

Here is an image of the plant as close to what I was trying to achieve.






















And here is where it gets interesting...

I like the 'accidents' better!

I find them very beautiful and artistic.

So perhaps striving for perfection should be occasionally set aside and let nature (and health) do what it will.

It is almost as if nature is providing her own holiday lights!
