St. Francis - In the Garden


I should have posted this last week but things were a little hectic with life things. So... here it is!
When able, I attend Oak Street Church in Silverton, Oregon. I have been going since 1991and the people there are my 'family.' No matter how long it is between visits I always feel I am coming home. I hope to live in Silverton again someday.


For a couple of years, they have been having an art show around Easter time. I was unable to submit before, but felt I should try this time (in spite of living 60 minute drive away). The exhibit coordinator John chose the subject of Saint Francis of Assisi.


For research, I watched films about him on YouTube. This one I really liked and almost chose an image from it for my painting.


I ended up using a photograph I had taken of a statue at the Christian Renewal Center in 2005 while attending a women's retreat with my church sisters. This image made the project very personal for me.


I already had a 10” x 30” canvas I had antiqued with brown walnut stain. It was in my studio waiting for the right project and I knew it would work great.


I painted the white acrylic background and then black oil 'drawing'. I kept it simple for a few reasons. Mostly because St. Francis himself proclaimed simplicity. Also, because I didn't have a lot of time to give to it (work, illness, family issues, etc.)









I am happy with how it turned out. Restful... like a statue in a garden. So I named it 'In the Garden.'

I heard the event was a success with good music and food. I wanted to go but had to work. Maybe next time!


The painting will also serve a second purpose. I was asked to donate a piece of artwork for a silent auction to raise funds to help rebuild an orphanage in Puerto Rico. A friend at Oak Street Church is dedicated to helping them. So it was an easy choice to donate this painting. I like to think Brother Francis would have approved.
