Looking for a Lost Friend

Looking for Kaye Alene


I am searching for Kaye Alene

This blog post is not very art related, but it is the only way I can think to get this to show up in the search engines. I lost touch with a dear friend many years ago and have tried several times to find her by using the internet.

I want to see her again and find out what she has been doing. And I want to fill her in on what I have been doing. She doesn't know I have gone to college, I am an artist, a great grandmother, and a better and happier person. I miss her. I want to know if she is still alive and where she is.

If anyone knows anything, PLEASE let her and me know! And please share this on Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, everywhere.


Here is what information I have to share:

* We met in Cannon Beach, Oregon about 1990. I was working in a small bookshop 'Ecola Square Books' and she worked in Cannon Beach Book Company.

* Kaye Alene was near my height of 5'-1”, thin, and had ash blond hair. She was maybe a few years older than me (I am 59 now) but don't remember.

* About 1991, I moved to Salem, Oregon and Kaye moved to the Portland area. We visited each other a few times.

*She had a father there who had passed away and she had a brother, but I do not remember their names. 'Charles' comes to mind but I may be wrong.

* Kaye Alene finished at a teaching school in Portland on June 14, 1994. I do not know where.

* In 1994, she moved to Washington DC. We wrote a few times and I sent her photos of my new granddaughter. I have a letter (1994) from her with the return address and phone number. She was living in a small apartment on NW 42nd St. The letter was a 'form letter' she sent to a few friends and mentioned possibly going to Brazil to work in a friend's ESL school. She wrote a note on mine asking me to come see her. I should have.

* We also spoke on the phone a few times. The last, Kaye said she was going to Boston for a job. She was an English and Literature teacher and was working on women's literacy projects.

Then an ugly marriage and my life fell apart and I lost touch with her. I tried to call the next year but it was a wrong number.

I am fairly good at researching and finding people, but this one has me stopped. I find a few names that might be related but I cannot find out for sure.

Kaye... if you are out there... I love you my friend and would love to know how you are!

Most sincerely,

