Broken Too: The Art

Broken 2 doll scan 01


The broken one knew the scars would be there forever. She knew the healing would last a lifetime. But she also knew there was hope for a brighter, happier, more peaceful future. The other (who needed to be gone) was gone. Her survival was proof of his departure.

Minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day, the memories slowed and existing became bearable again. Ruined holidays were replaced with happier times. Eventually, she ceased begging God to take her home. From brokenness came beauty. Life became good.



Broken 2 doll scan 02

Broken 2 doll scan 03








Here are images from the same broken doll I wrote of last week in Broken One: The Doll. I used a flat-bed scanner (see Deviant Dolls) and made images while controlling position and light. I used no software manipulation other than to normalize the contrast.

Click on an image for better view...

Broken 2 doll scan 04

Broken 2 doll scan 06
Broken 2 doll scan 07Broken 2 doll scan 08

Next post: Broken Third: The Hope


  1. This is amazing that you could do this with photography, adjusting your camera lens. It is breathtakenly beautiful.

    1. This set of images is actually not with a camera. They were made by setting the doll on a flat-bed scanner. I have discovered how to get some pretty ethereal results with it. Thank you for the compliment!

  2. I love the surreal images that you have created Kathryn. A wonderful follow up post to the first one where you went into detail about the restoration of the doll. Bravo!

    1. Thank you Vatsala! I love embracing the brokenness, ageing, and weirdness of these things. I just posted part 3 this morning.

  3. After I left my earlier comment I remembered reading that you used a flatbed. I'm glad you corrected me. The images are stunning- surreal

    1. No worries! i am glad you read it. Some of the images on the other posts are photos. Sometimes I have to study them to make sure I have it right. The scanner makes much more out of focus, a quality I use to my advantage for the surreal look. I am honoured you like them.

  4. Beautiful pics, Kathryn! I love the way they turned out, with the lights and other small adjustments you made. So interested to see the sort continuing :)


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