December Days: 28 My Ugly Christmas Sweater


Everyone jokes about them... the lucky ones own them... and even braver few wear them... yes, it is the “Ugly Christmas Sweater.” This one was given to me several years ago. In all honesty, I am not sure they meant it as an ugly or a pretty sweater. I'm not even sure who it was. (If you were they and remember, please forgive me.)


It didn't break my heart that I wasn't invited to any “Ugly Sweater” Christmas parties, but... I was prepared if it happened. I have a family function tomorrow and thinking of wearing it there. Unfortunately it has been behind the seat of my truck for a couple of years (in 'readiness') and smells as such. I will have to spray it down with a lot of Febreze.



I am not quite sure what the front design is all about. At first I thought the gold area next the one lady's head was maybe supposed to be her warm breath and then I decided it must be her hair.


Also, I have no idea why the figures have a bag of seeds. Oh wait... they are feeding the birds!?



Back of sweater

I would love to see your “Ugly Christmas Sweater.” Just leave a comment and share a photo. Should be fun!

Note: I am unable to figure out a way for readers to post an image in a comment.  So if you want to share for my Christmas posts in 2015, go to my Facebook art page and contact me there.


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