Mystery Scarves

For years, I have been saving old lace table clothes, vintage doilies, crocheted collars, and anything else like that I thought was cool. I kept telling myself I would do something with them someday. Well, someday has finally come! 


I cut a tablecloth into strips and dyed them beautiful colors (with a tie-dye kit that has been on the shelf seems forever). The colors turned out a bit brighter than I wanted so I dipped them in walnut juice to soften them. I then embellished the ends by sewing on doilies, collars, etc. It took several days because they had to sit in the dye for 24 hours, rinsed, and I also dried heat set (with a clothes iron) several times.

I am pleased with the results and have another tablecloth cut, edges sewn, and ready to work on. This time I will dye with just my natural browns and omit the colors.

Even though the long edges were turned under and sewn, they still unraveled a little and I liked the results that some might call “shabby chic.”

I will have the scarves listed for sale on Etsy once I find someone to model them for me. I plan to keep one for myself, but am having trouble deciding on a favorite! If they don't sell, I will have plenty of birthday and Christmas gifts.


I call them “Mystery Scarves” because I watched Agatha Christie mystery videos most of the time I worked on them... and I just like how it sounds.
