We are Here! 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion

 1000 Voices Speak for Compassion

Sometimes a small voice must join 999 others to be heard. We learned this from Horton Hears a Who (my favourite Dr. Seuss story). Sometimes we need to collectively shout, “We are here!!” 






I am on a journey, and along the way I have become an artist and an anthropologist. Quite a combination... a person who expresses herself visually and is interested in other cultures. Along the way I am trying to find my way to combine the two. I want to show what I think and how I feel with as few words as possible. I am able to write... I just prefer pictures.

When studying anthropology, I (and my classmates) were often in tears from learning what horrors we humans inflict upon each other. We would ask the professors, “What can we do?” I was seeing a counsellor and this was often the subject of conversation. What I was able to learn was this... we do what we can! If everyone does something, anything, that they are able to do to help others, then our world would be a better place.

I am not in the position to go across the planet, and neither do I have great leadership skills, but I am able to do something. So, among other things, two years ago I stopped shopping at Walmart (I do not judge anyone for going there, it is a personal choice on my part). I buy as little outsourced products as possible. Although it is very difficult not to... I do what I can.

Seeing all the terrible and horrible things in the news on my computer leaves me with a deep sadness and feeling of helplessness (I thank God I do not have television). There does not seem to be much that I, or anyone, can do. But perhaps if many of us Whoville residents joined together we might be heard. 


Horton Hears a Who! 


So I am joining the blogging project 1000 Voices for Compassion. Everyone involved will blog about compassion on February 20th (which is also National World day of Social Justice). The collective project, which has been gaining members at an impressive rate, was conceived by Yvonne Spence and Lizzie Rogers.

From what I can see... most of the members are writers. My challenge is going to be to make a statement about compassion using my artwork. 


The way I see it, if one person becomes kinder to another or one act of murder or terrorism is averted as a result of this project, then it will have been worth it.

We are here!!! 

This is one Whoville person who will be shouting, 

“We are here!”


NOTE: Images from "Horton Hears a Who" was borrowed from the internet. The last two are linked to the parent site.


  1. Thank you! Yes, so am I... (working on ideas).

  2. Looking forward to reading these on the 20th.

    1. It will be impossible to see them all but I will read a few. When I do my post, I will include a partial list of participants.

  3. Put Natl World day of Social Justice on my calendar. Collectively something will be expressed that those who are atuned will hear.

    1. It should be interesting. This idea was born barely a couple weeks ago and now has 894 members. Kind of exciting. I learned of it from Donna at http://menopausemoi.blogspot.com/

  4. This is such a cool idea. I can hardly wait to read the blogs and see how different people relate to the "compassion" side of things.

    1. It is kind of a tingly feeling being a small part of something so big. I am pretty excited now I have a painting going. And I am grateful for your allowing me to use your photo.


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